INNC held its AGM on Thursday 7 September 2017 at The Ruc in Turner. It was wonderful to see so many members present. A big thank you to those who attended and welcomed the committee for the next season.
The committee for 2018 is as follows;
President - Katherine Bedford
Vice President - Mel Bedford
Secretary - Kristen Eade
Treasurer - Simone Franklin
Coaches Coordinator - Margaret Wood
Umpires Coordinator - Kelsie Williams
General Committee - Sam Hardy, Sue Bedford, Linda Moore and Leanne Hayter.
The 2018 committee welcomed five new members. Kristen Eade has been an associate member with INNC since 2014, Margaret Wood joined the club in 2015, Linda Moore is a foundation associate member and been with INNC since its inaugural year in 2013, Leanne Hayter joined in 2015 and Kelsie Williams is a ‘B’ badged umpire who joined in 2017 as a non-playing member.
Sadly however, we also said goodbye to five committee members, and I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the following members for all the hard work and time they have contributed to the Inner North Netball Club over the years.
Kezlee Gray and Helen Corliss were foundation committee members and gave five years of their life to INNC, as committee members as well as team coaches, managers and umpires.
Sharon Wilson was on the committee for four years and also coached and managed teams.
Carly Brown was on the committee for two years as umpires’ coordinator and is also a player. Caitlyn Smith was on the committee for one year and is also a player and has coached for the club.
The 2017 NCNC winter netball season was the fifth year for the Inner North Netball Club and we celebrated another successful year.
INNC had 21 teams in 2017 (4 Set teams, 5 Junior teams, 5 Intermediate teams, 1 Cadet team and 6 Senior teams), giving us 215 players plus 35 non-playing officials.
The club was pleased to see 10 teams playing in finals (2 more than the 2016 season).
Outcome of the finals were;
4th place;
Tigers – Cadets, Division 4
Panthers – Seniors, Division 1
Lynx – Seniors, Division 2
Leopards – Seniors, Division 3
Jaguars – Seniors, Division 4
3rd place;
Black Cats - Juniors, Division 3
White Tigers - Intermediate, Division 4
Jungle Cats - Intermediate, Division 6
2nd place;
Top Cats - Juniors, Division 5
1st place/Premiers;
Wildcats - Juniors, Division 6
Once again INNC had several junior representative players and a couple of representatives in the state league for 2017;
Junior Representative Players;
CNA U11 Skye Tahlia Worth (Lions)
CNA U11 White Chloe Booth (Lions)
CNA U12 Maroon Mia Doble (White Tigers)
Sophie Hillier (White Tigers)
Sophia Osman (White Tigers)
Caitlin Weaver (White Tigers)
CNA U12 Skye Mia Ballat (White Tigers)
Ellie Crawford (White Tigers)
Matilda von Gavel (White Tigers)
Charlotte Walsh (White Tigers)
CNA U14 Maroon Stella Morton (Snow Leopards)
CNA U14 Skye Aaria Brears (Snow Leopards)
BNA U11 Hayley Eade (Aristocats and Black Cats)
BNA U12 Natalia Rogic (Black Cats)
The State League Players;
CNA Alisha Henderson (Player/Coach of Panthers (Seniors)
& Coach of White Tigers)
SCNA Amelia Kennedy (Leopards)
Congratulations to all representative players.
The 2017 season was another busy year for the committee and members of INNC as we manned 5 BBQs, 4 at Lyneham courts and 1 at the Charnwood courts which helped raise funds for the club. We had another very successful Mother’s Day Stall, and thanks to Kezlee Gray we had a successful chocolate fundraising drive and a cake stall at the shops at Ainslie.
I would like to thank all members who helped with all these events, by either baking or donating craft items, or by volunteering to assist and giving so generously of their time.
To finish off the 2017 winter netball season the club held two presentation events. The Set and Juniors Picnic at Corroboree Park in Ainslie was a very successful event with approximately 130 people attending and enjoying games, cake and the company of their fellow club members.
We held a more formal Presentation Dinner for the Intermediate, Cadet and Senior players at the Ainslie Football and Social Club. With 110 people in attendance it was an excellent evening with a great atmosphere.
Finally, I would like to thank my fellow 2017 committee members for all their support during the season and on behalf of this committee, I’d also like to thank all coaches, managers, umpires, players, and supporters for their contributions through the season. You are an integral part of the smooth running of the club and we hope to see you all back next year.
Katherine Bedford
INNC President (2017)