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INNC Tupperware Fundraiser

Do you need to get your kitchen organised?

How about some new Tupperware?

You can support the club too!

The club is holding a Tupperware Fundraiser, with the help of one of our wonderful senior players, Kate Evans.

This is a great opportunity to raise money for the club and get some great Tupperware!!!! 10% of the money from the orders will go directly back to the club, and for every party that is booked an extra $20 will go to the club.

You can help in three ways:

1) Send an email to everybody you know and spread the word we are holding a Tupperware fundraiser. (see below for catalogue and ordering information you can add to your email)

2) Order some fantastic new Tupperware (10% of the sale will go to the club).

3) Book a Tupperware party ($20 will go to the club)!

There will be prizes for the most money collected and everyone who collects over $200 in orders will go in the draw to win $50 worth of Tupperware.

All orders and party bookings need to be sent to either

Kate ( or the club or by 5th of July.

Catalogues/Order Form/Information

Click here for the Current Tupperware Catalogue

Click here for the July Preview Catalogue

Click here for the INNC Tupperware Fundraiser Instructions

Click here for the INNC Tupperware Fundraiser Order Form

If you require any assistance or have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Kate ( Kate also has some Tupperware catalogues if you want to hand them out instead of emailing them.

Happy Tupperwaring!!!!

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