INNCJan 3, 2021CLUB ASSISTANCEAre you interested in coaching or umpiring? Contact our coordinators; Coaching Coaches Coordinator - Katherine...
INNC PresidentJan 3, 2021INNER NORTH NETBALL CLUB COMMITTEE 2021Following is the INNC committee for the 2021 season. President Sue Bedford Vice President Mel Mothersole (Bedford) Secretary Meg...
INNC PresidentDec 31, 2020Working With Vulnerable People Card**IMPORTANT REMINDER BEFORE START OF 2021 SEASON** ALL Coaches, Umpires and Team Managers over the age of 16 MUST have a current Working...
INNC PresidentMay 24, 2020PRESIDENT’S UPDATE ON COVID REQUIREMENTS BEFORE RETURNING TO PLAYINNC is working with CNA who in turn are working with Netball ACT in an endeavour to get all netballers back on the courts as soon as it...