How to register online through PlayHQ
Open the appropriate registration form from the links listed on the
Registration and Fees page.
Previous INNC Members (players and officials)
I have received my Login ID and Password via email
Enter them in the RETURN USER box to login and commence the registration process.
I already know my login details
Enter them in the RETURN USER box to login and commence the registration process.
I don't know or can't remember my login details (ID and/or password)
Enter your First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth in the FIRST TIME PARTICIPANT box and click FIND ME to search the MyNetball database.
New Members to INNC
I already know my login details
Enter them in the RETURN USER box to login and commence the registration process.
I don't know or can't remember my login details (ID and/or password)
Enter your First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth in the FIRST TIME PARTICIPANT box and click FIND ME to search the MyNetball database.
I don't know if I already have a MyNetball account
Enter your First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth in the FIRST TIME PARTICIPANT box and click FIND ME to search the MyNetball database.
Searching the MyNetball Database
I have entered my details in the FIRST TIME PARTICIPANT box and clicked FIND ME
If a record cannot be found based on the details entered you can create one by clicking on CREATE NEW RECORD.
If one or more matches were found.
If the record represents you and an email address has been stored against the record you can click on EMAIL LOGIN to have a username and password emailed to you.
If the record represents you and you have an existing login you can click on FORGOTTEN PWD to reset your password.
If you do not recognise any of the matches found you can create a record by clicking on CREATE NEW RECORD.
SEARCH TIP: If you have more than one name that you could go by (first name or last name) use the % key when searching to ensure all variations are found. (e.g searching Ka% will find Katherine, Kathryn or Kate)
The registration process requires five steps. These are shown as a menu bar guiding you through the registration process:
1. Registration Type
The products/registrations available for purchase will be displayed.
Select the desired item and click NEXT.
2. Personal Details
This step allows you to enter/modify your identifying information that is stored in MyNetball. The fields will be blank for new users, but pre-populated for users that have logged in.
There are additional fields INNC have added that will need to be filled in.
3. Review
The Review step allows participants to check the information provided. Click EDIT DETAILS to make any amendments. Click NEXT when all the information is correct.
4. Payment
The Payment step allows participants to specify how they will pay for the product/registration.
INNC has two methods of payment. Online payment by credit card or offline payment by direct deposit into our bank account.
After completing the payment information click NEXT. A MyNetball record will be created for new users, or updated for existing users.
5. Confirmation
The Confirmation step presents a breakdown of the items purchased and advises that a confirmation email will be sent to the participant.
The option to print an offline form is available. This form provides details for credit card payment or bank details for direct deposit payments to the Club.